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Maura Derrane appearance on Irish television yesterday ended in tragedy.

Watch: Firefighters deal with major west Belfast blaze

Irish Independent Newsdesk

A major overnight fire in west Belfast is being treated as arson.

Emergency services were called to the blaze and reports of explosions at a quarry on the Upper Springfield Road shortly after 11.30pm last night. The incident was dealt with by 2am.

Police said the blaze is being “treated as deliberate ignition at this stage”.

One local councillor said it was a “senseless attack”.

Firefighters deal with a major fire at a Quarry on the Upper Springfield Road in west Belfast on May 19th 2024 (Photo by Kevin Scott for Belfast Telegraph)

Three fire appliances – two from Springfield fire station and one from Cadogan - and a fire officer car attended the incident and used water and breathing apparatus while working on the blaze.

Five lorries, some of which were equipped with gas canisters, had been set alight.

The Northern Ireland Fire and Rescue Service (NIFRS) said initial investigations indicate that the fire was set deliberately.

Firefighters deal with a major fire at a Quarry on the Upper Springfield Road in west Belfast on May 19th 2024 (Photo by Kevin Scott for Belfast Telegraph)

PSNI officers also attended the incident and carried out a number of searches in the immediate vicinity.

A PSNI spokesperson said: “Shortly after 11.30pm, officers received and responded to a report of vehicles alight at premises on the Upper Springfield Road.

“Colleagues from the Northern Ireland Fire and Rescue Service also attended the scene.

“Five lorries were completely burnt out as a result of the incident, which is being treated as deliberate ignition at this stage.

“Fortunately, there were no reports of any injuries.

“Officers remain at the scene this morning, and enquiries to establish the circumstances of the incident are ongoing.

Firefighters deal with a major fire at a Quarry on the Upper Springfield Road in west Belfast on May 19th 2024 (Photo by Kevin Scott for Belfast Telegraph)

“We are appealing to anyone who may have seen any suspicious activity in the area yesterday evening, or who has any information which might assist us, to get in touch.”

SDLP West Belfast councillor Paul Doherty said it was a “reckless” act.

“This was a senseless attack which has destroyed a number of vehicles which will have a significant impact on their owners," he said.

"Setting a fire like this poses a serious threat to the local community and it’s lucky that this fire did not spread and that nobody was injured as a result.

“I’d like to thank the fire service and police for their response to this incident, extinguishing the fire in difficult conditions and making the area safe. I would appeal for anyone with any information about what happened to come forward and help police with their investigation.

“I cannot understand why anyone would deliberately carry out such a reckless act and those behind this should get off the backs of the local community before it ends in tragedy.”